I remember those days I were angry.
I remember when I was mad for no reason at all.
I remember those times when I yelled at people.
I remember when I was so negative.
Those were the days when my mind had control of my heart,
when it was supposed to be the other way around.
My heart should have got control over my mind.
But I didn't understood that.
I never knew love, I didn't care.
I was just a brat.
I remember those days when I met people, new people.
I remember when they laughed and was happy.
I remember those times when they told me I was too angry looking.
I remember when I changed, changed into a positive person.
Those were the days when my heart got the control over my mind,
and I wasn't so cold anymore.
I felt the love and it was love that gave me strength, warmth and more love.
It was love that made me believe.
It was love that opened doors for me.
It was love that brought me opportunities.
It was love that thought me to love.
Art of Pixels]